Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Graphics inclusion

The following is found on wiki:

Including graphics in a LaTeX-document is done with a command like this:


where image.jpg is a graphic-file of the JPEG-type. It is assumemed that you have loaded the graphics-package in your preamble. There are variants of this command, for example


- see for other options, for example, here or the documentation of the graphics-package. While this is very easy, one needs to be aware that not all file types are supported.

supported file types

These are the file types that are supported, depending on the typesetting-mode you are using. As a Mac-User, you are most likely a user of (pdf)latex with pdf-output.

latex with dvi-outputlatex with pdf-output

See this article in the PracTeX Journal for more on this.

epstopf: including eps-graphics in a pdfLaTeX-document

The epstopf-package helps to overcome the limitations of latex and pdflatex when it comes to available graphic-formats. Its main purpose is to allow the inclusion of .eps-graphic in documents that are typeset in pdflatex (with a pdf as an output file). What the package does is that it calls an external script (with the same name: epstopdf) that converts a eps-graphic into a pdf such that pdflatex can use this. So, if you are using pdflatex, the following document would work:

\documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{epstopdf} \begin{document} \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{image.eps} \end{document} 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Add (Hyper-)Links to PDFs

Add (Hyper-)Links to PDFs

Adding links to PDFs , both internal and external, certainly only makes sense for digital copies of the file. Nevertheless, they still come in handy, for example for actual WWW-addresses or as direct reference inside a document.

Local references

As usual, you first need the package which handles the links:


This does the job for the moment. The package “hyperref” will automatically insert links wherever you place a citation or reference (\cite{}, \ref{}).

Global references

Referencing to URLs or local files can be done as follows:


Try this:

\href{}{\bf{Blog on Latex Matters}}

Colour references

So far, the references were marked by a colour rectangle around them, which is not very appealing (unless you are using Apple Preview). Here is how you remove the border and if you wish define your own colours for references.

Either add this optional argument to the previous package:


or use a new line and set the colour:


If you want to define your own colours, you will have to use the latter, as the colours are part of the argument of “hypersetup”. But in order to do so, you first need to define colours, which is why you will need the colour-package:


Then you can define different colours you may want to use for your references, e.g.:


Latex uses the standard RGB (red/green/blue) colour model. The three values define the intensity for each channel within the interval I=[0,1] (just because Latex looks nicer:-).

Now you are ready to use the defined colours, by extending the previously used command:

\hypersetup{ colorlinks,
citecolor=darkblue }

Note: If your tex-distribution does not contain the hyperref-package, you can download it here (, including the complete documentation.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

WinEdt 6: font changing

WinEdt 6: font changing
I'll try to guide you to the new way of changing font settings under WinEdt 6.0, so please go to the following menu:  Options --> Options...  Note the opened left pane and from there select Font Schemes... -> Font  In the opened file select the mentioned 5 lines pertaining to font options;  Click the second (font) button in the upper left corner of the Options panel and select your desired font options;  Now click in the first button to "Load Current Script" and save the new settings. That's all.  You can also change font settings in "private.ini" instead of "font.ini" under "Advanced Configuration" branch of the Options (left) pane.  Good luck!  Bernhard Enders

Friday, April 22, 2011

All Models Are Wrong But Some Are Useful

“All Models Are Wrong But Some Are Useful” -George Box

George E.P. Box, Robustness in the strategy of scientific model building, page 202 of Robustness in Statistics, R.L. Launer and G.N. Wilkinson, Editors. 1979.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Generalized Information Measures and Their Applications

Generalized Information Measures
and Their Applications
Inder Jeet Taneja, Ph. D.
Departamento de Matemática
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
88.040-900 Florianópolis, SC, Brazil

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

Type I or Type II error?

An interesting discussion with how to memorize these two concepts.

Type I error: false alarm
Type II error: failed detection

Type I and Type II Errors

Posted by Ethan Fosse at March 7, 2011 8:29 PM

Another interesting discussion pointed out by Jeromy Anglim